The UK Cellular microbiology network meetings were started in 2019 and aim to be a must-attend for anyone working on host-pathogen interactions. With an emphasis on interactions at or within the host cell, we will focus specifically on how pathogens subvert host cellular processes and how the cell responds. While attendees from any country are most welcome, the meetings are intended to bring together the disparate host-pathogen interaction community in the UK and to provide a network to foster collaboration and interchange across the various pathogens under study.
We have two great keynote speakers (see right), but the majority of the talks (15 mins) will be delivered by early-career researchers. We will also have a vibrant poster session and flash talks (3 mins) selected from the posters.
ECR abstract submitters will be considered for attendance/travel grants thanks to generous support from The Company of Biologists (subject to selection for a grant and public transport travel to Sheffield). There will also be monetary prizes for both the best talks and posters thanks to kind support from The FEBS Journal!
This year we will be holding the meeting over 2 days (2nd/3rd June 2025). We hope everyone will stay overnight.
The cost of registration will be minimised to encourage ECRs and whole labs to participate.